Concept and brief description:
A dysfunctional manager is a manager who may engage in some behaviors that make him or her ineffective or even "toxic"-someone who stifles good ideas and drives away employees. These dysfunctional behaviors include insensitivity to others, inability to be a team player, arrogance, poor conflict management skills, inability to meet business objectives, and inability to adapt to change.
Emotional hook (provocative question/ claim/real-life problem):
I dealt with a dysfunctional manager in my last job and she created various problems for the company. She wouldn't listen to anyone and really did drive away employees. The turnover rate for the company was extremely high and cost the company a lot of money. I actually left the company because of her, not the company. It is a great company but is being hindered by the manager.
Key points to elicit in discussion:
Managers make a big difference in a company. If a company has a manager that is negative and hard towards the other employees, the employees do not respect the manager and therefore does not feel motivated or dedicated to the company. A person could have a lot of strong skills but may not be the best fit for a management position. A manager needs a lot of conceptual and human skills. A company needs to make sure they have the right person for a management position.
Facilitative questions:
Have you ever worked for a dysfunctional manager? How was it? How long did you stay with the company?